FAQ: On-Site Massage
Call 949-650-4240 or send us an email for more information. Ideally, the person in your company who can decide if seated massage is a good addition to the company’s wellness program should call – usually someone in upper management or a human resources director. Sales managers frequently use their incentive budgets to pay for seated massage for the sales staff.
Each contract is unique. Pricing depends on the number of employees and the frequency of service. There is a three hour minimum for on-site service. Call us to see if your company is a good candidate for a seated massage program. A common example: A 10 minute massage costs around $12. Employees pay for their own massage ( with cash, credit, or payroll deductions). Owners/Managers can purchase gift certificates for employees as incentives or awards, or the business can pay for the massages each time and use the expense as a tax deduction.
Dynamic Touch can, with the permission of management, provide seated massage to employees who wish to pay for the service on their own. Sometimes a payroll deduction can be arranged. There is a 3-hour minimum.
It depends. If you feel that you have received exceptional service, it is customary to offer appreciation in the form of a tip. However, we understand that in some instances the company does not consider it appropriate. We always ask about your policy, and include the decision as a clause in our service contract.